How to Build Backyard Chicken Coops

A coop is a place where the chickens sleep, nest, and lay their eggs. Instead of buying and then a prefabricated hen-house transporter to your house, build one yourself and adapt it to the number of chickens you have and the amount of space you need. To build a high quality backyard chicken coops, you'll need a considerable amount of material and know how to build it. But it is a job that can make almost anyone with basic carpentry skills.

Backyard Chicken Coops

Planning Backyard Chicken Coops 

  1. Clean the place where you will put the hen-house. Choose an area slightly elevated so that it does not puddle after heavy rains.
  2. Calculate the size of the chicken coop. On average, a hen will need at least 2 square feet (60 cm2).
  3. Design your own house or download a free up the Internet. The house should have a front door that makes it easy to collect eggs. Although there are houses with several levels, one single level is the best option.
  4. Purchase the materials you will need.

Building Backyard Chicken Coops

  1. Cut any appropriate sized timber. Place four pieces of wood on the floor in a rectangle. Screw them together to create the base of the coop. In each corner, leaning a pole in a 45 ° angle to create a framework shaped A. These should be about 6 feet (1.2 m) long.
  2. Connect the ends of the poles of the A-shaped frame using a piece of wood. This will give you a similar to a tent with a triangle at each end structure. Select one of the triangles as the end where the door will go. Build a square frame for the door using wood and nails, and secure it inside one of the triangles using nails or screws.
  3. Make wire. Cover the outside of the coop with the wire and secure with fencing staples.
  4. Make the door. Cut a piece of plywood so that it is 1/4 inch (0.6 cm) smaller than the space reserved for the door. Fixed the door using a hinge and put a lock on the other side.
The mesh will keep the chickens locked but keep predators away. Find out about predator control techniques.
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